What are the lessons people most often learn too late in life?
That health is a priority. If you won’t take care of it now, it will make you take care of it later on. That we cannot control other people’s actions, words and behavior. We can only control ours. So tying your happiness to other people’s actions would only bring chaos in you. That it is important to say No. Because people are selfish and use you all the time when in need. They might not be with you when you’ll need them. Help whosoever you can easily but don't sacrifice yourself for anyone and everyone out there. That expectations would hurt. Give that much which wouldn't make you expect from them. Not everyone is like you. If you are nice and kind to everyone that doesn't mean they will be too. That you are responsible for any action that you take. Taking and acting on anybody’s advise doesn't make that person responsible for the result of that action. So do not trust anyone blindly. Listen to everyone but think and decide on your own. That listen to your paren...