What are the three main causes of failure in life?

Self doubt - Unless and until you believe in yourself, you would either not try at all or do things half heartedly. You will never get to know your true potential with this trait. So get over it, try, explore. It’s okay not to get success first time. At least you won’t regret later on that you should have tried, you were capable. They say most of the regrets we have later on is on things we didn’t do, not the ones we did. So, it is better to do things which you want to rather than succumbing to self doubt.
Moving without a plan or a purpose - Be it anything one has to have at least some idea on what one calls success as. Is it money, fame, first division in exams, raising children who come out to be good human beings in future or anything else. Your goal and priority could be anything. What is important is to have an idea about that. If you just keep doing stuff you do like a routine or unenthusiastically, it will take you no where in terms of contentness. What I am saying is to be successful one has to realise what is that which would make him a success and plan and move accordingly. They say know many people are going nowhere fast. Just don’t be a part of them. Most often you’ll reach nowhere in such scenarios. You’ll be left with a half lived life thats all.
Not learning from past mistakes - We are humans. Everyone make mistakes. No one is perfect here. We make mistakes. We retrospect. We learn. We move forward. There is no dearth of opportunities and things a human mind cannot do. One who learns from his past mistakes becomes more learned and more clear with his actions and polished. However some people because of ego issues or short sightedness or a wrong mindset never learn from their mistakes which ultimately leads them to become a failure in life.


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