Is It legal to grow/sell Sandalwood? Does Govt Of India permit this?
Sandalwood trees were the property of the government for years, but now the rule has changed. As per the Section 108 of the Karnataka Forest (Amendment) Act 2001, sandalwood tree grown in a specific land is the property of the owner of the land. Hence, anybody can grow sandalwood without any apprehensions.The government is also giving subsidy to grow sandalwood through State Medicinal Plants Authority and Horticulture Department.
Can Sandalwood cultivation really fetch crores of rupees?
Yes it can. Kindly find the following increase in price since 1990 till 2010. The prices mentioned below at per metric ton (mt). As per our project analysis we would be able to fetch upto 8 (mt) from each acre of cultivation
  1. Indian Sandalwood has huge demand worldwide and the supply is currently way under the demand.
  2. 100 gms of branch wood (sandalwood) costs Rs 900 (source : Mysore sandal soap, Karnataka)
  3. 5 ml of sandalwood oil costs Rs 1350 (source : Mysore sandal soap, Karnataka)
  4. Per Kg of Sandalwood (heart wood ) is around 5000 rupees as on 2012. (Source- KSDL).
Is it possible to harvest Sandalwood in 15 years as we heard it takes around 35 - 40 years?
Sandalwood trees which was naturally grown in the forest atmosphere . Sandalwood is a semi parasite crop and depends on host plants for most of its nutrients, this is not readily available in the forest and therefore the growth takes time. Adding to this is the Govt policy which restricts living trees being cut down in Forests. Only dead Sandalwood trees in forests can be taken for production.
However, the scenario in organized cultivation is different. Through Stress development technique, providing Host plants, good water and fertilizer management are followed to ease Sandalwood’s growth with in 12-15 years.
Can we buy a plot of land without Sandalwood plantation on it, for construction?
No. The very purpose of we doing this project is to get the benefits from the final crop. On the behalf of the investors we can develop sandalwood plots on consultation basis.
What is the difference between Indian and Australian Sandalwood?
Of the 15 different species of sandalwood that grow throughout the world, there are 2 main varieties that are traded internationally. These are santalum spicatum (Australian sandalwood) and santalum album (Indian sandalwood). Australian sandalwood currently supplies well over half of all sandalwood traded around the globe annually. Australian sandalwood has historically been used in the agabati and incense markets in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong and most other Asian countries. It has been widely accepted in these areas for over 150 years. In recent years Australian sandalwood oil has been incorporated into many high end perfumes and other cosmetic products. Australian sandalwood does produce a lower oil content than Indian sandalwood although it consistently produces the oil forming heartwood from a very young age. Australian plantation sandalwood has been tried and tested in small plantations throughout WA for over 25 years by both private and Government organizations.
How much oil does one tree produce?
Oil yield in sandalwood trees varies between species. The oil is present only within the heartwood of the tree. The older the tree, the larger percentage of heartwood exists within the tree therefore the more oil is present within a given tree. On average, Australian sandalwood produces between 3 to 3.5% oil within the heartwood and Indian sandalwood betwen 3.5 and 5%, in its lifetime.
When is the Sandalwood seed produced and what is it used for?
Sandalwood trees start producing seed from around 4 years of age. Currently, the main market is to supply the sandalwood plantation industry. The seed also has great potential within the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries as it has many unique properties within the kernel itself. It has very high levels of protein and may also be used as a food product.
Does the growing of Sandalwood help to combat climate change?
Yes, any tree crop contributes to combat climate change through the absorption of greenhouse gases.

This translates to Rs 27.41 lakh per tonne, a trader says a good variety of redsandal wood can even fetch Rs 70 lakh a tonne in the international market.

“A tonne of red sanders fetches up to Rs 20 lakh in India but its international landing price is above Rs 50-80 lakh,” a forest officer from the Vellore range said last year.

If you are out of india and are looking for import-export of sandalwood, you may want to read this (Indian import foreign trade policy - circular on sandalwood) -  Any Indian who has a import license can import 5000 cubic meters of sandal wood per year - i think so, as per the circular


Sandalwood is a semi root Parasite Plant. To grow well it will depend on a host plant. In the beginning we will provide Toordal.

In one acre land total plants be around 435. the distance from plant to plant is 10ft (10’*10’). The pits size 45cm*45cm*45cm. Water should not stagnate in pit. In summer we should provide water twice a week (2liters each plant) and Bio – fertilizer, weeding is necessary. After 3 to 4 years of cultivation it will starts flowering, by that time the formation of heart wood take place. After 12 years each plant may yield almost 10 to 25 kg of heart wood I.e., depend upon the growth of the tree. If we cultivate properly by 12 years the girth may around 60 cm at breast level. The oil content in root is 4% to 6% each year the growth will be 5cm

The Costing Per Acre
Plant Rs. 50 (vari.) X 435 = 21750.00 
Host plants Rs. 10 X 435 = 4350.00
Planting cost (Including soil workings, Pits @ 5/=each Rs.4350.00
Cost of drip irrigation Rs. 105000.00
Fencing Rs. 42000.00
Annual weeding & soil working for 8 years (Rs.2000x8) =16000.00
Irrigation (Rs.2000 x 8) =16000.00
Fertilization (Rs.5000 x 8) =40000.00
Security & vigilance (Rs.36000/-per year) for 8 Yers Rs. 288000.00
Total Exp. Rs. 537450.00


No of sandalwood trees eligible for extraction 305

Quantity of heart wood expected per tree-15 kgs 4575 kgs

Average cost of sandalwood heart wood (Rs. 6000/ Kg) Rs.2,74,50,000

Total Expenditure incurred per acre Rs. 5,37,450

Land & other infrastructures per acre Rs. 18,15,000


#475, ‘Narayani’, Udayaravi Road,
A & B Block, Kuvempunagar,
Mysore, Mysore District,
Karnataka – 570023
Phone : +91 9945181907


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