Linux Commands
1. sudo This SuperUserDo is the most important command Linux newbies will use. Every single command that needs root's permission, need this sudo command. You can use sudo before each command that requires root permissions - $ sudo su 2. ls (list) Just like the other, you often want to see anything in your directory. With list command, the terminal will show you all the files and folders of the directory that you're working in. Let's say I'm in the /home folder and I want to see the directories & files in /home. /home$ ls ls in /home returns the following - imad lost+found 3. cd Changing directory (cd) is the main command that always be in use in terminal. It's one of the most Linux basic commands. Using this is easy. Just type the name of the folder you want to go in from your current directory. If you want to go up just do it by giving double dots (..) as the parameter. Let's say I'm in /home directory and I want to move in usr directory which is al...